You probably have this stuff laying around the house, and if you don't, a quick trip to your local home improvement mega-mart will net you all the supplies you'll need. Lumber, 30-50 wood screws, a hand saw, along with a fully charged power screwdriver and you'll have your very own "official" U.S. Pond Hockey Championships goal and all the pond-cred you can handle.
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Nothing too crazy here– we're talking basic 2x6 construction.
This is the guy that tries to come between your breakaway and sweet pond hockey glory! He may not be quick (or very mobile, for that matter), but he will stop all but the most perfect snipes, and is as unforgiving as your mother-in-law.
Here's where it all comes together.
Your project is not complete until you load up your newly constructed master-piece, head to the pond with your buddies and plaster your new goal with a plethora of rubber biscuits. Wear those puck scuffs with pride.